The GMO Mini-Summit is now complete. Select replays are broadcast on this page. The entire summit is available with the Empowerment Package.
GMO Mini-Summit Day One Replay
Andrew Kimbrell
Your Right To Know
Vandana Shiva, Ph.D.
Food Security In A Global Community
Robyn O’Brien
Fighting Food Allergies
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First Wave: What did you miss?
- Credible information from top independent scientists and educators.
- Insider perspectives on Monsanto's war on scientists.
- Specific information about the hidden health and environmental dangers of GMOs.
Get more info on the First Wave Speakers and how you can access their presentations instantly with the Empowerment Package.
A New Music Video on GMO’s!
Question What's Inside — By Rob Herring
• Rob’s website • Purchase song on iTunes
Rachel Parent debates bully TV host
14-year-old GMO Mini-Summit Second Wave speaker Rachel Parent debates Canadian national talk show host Kevin O'Leary on GMOs. Who do you think wins?

December 1: Lifting The Veil
(GMO Mini-Summit day one replay)
Interview Details
Speaker: Andrew Kimbrell
Date: December 1, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: John Robbins
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Andrew Kimbrell – Your Right To Know
Andrew Kimbrell is a leading public interest attorney and the founder and director of The Center for Food Safety. He fights to protect people and the environment from the threats of chemical-dependent industrialized agriculture.
Andrew is often called on to testify before the United States Congress, and his work has been featured in numerous publications and documentaries.
His most recent book is Your Right to Know: Genetic Engineering and the Secret Changes in Your Food. The Guardian recognized Andrew as one of the 50 people who could change the planet. We think he’ll change your life!
Interview Details
Speaker: Vandana Shiva, Ph.D
Date: December 1, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: John Robbins
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Vandana Shiva, Ph.D. – Food Security In A Global Community
Dr. Vandana Shiva is founder of Navdanya (“nine seeds”), a movement of thousands of Indian farmers promoting biodiversity and use of native seeds. Vandana is a recipient of the Right Livelihood Award, often called “The Alternative Nobel Prize”, and the director of the Research Foundation on Science, Technology, and Ecology.
She is author of many bestselling books, including Stolen Harvest: The Hijacking of the Global Food Supply. Forbes named Vandana “one of the 7 most influential feminists in the world,” and Time selected her as an “environmental hero.” Vandana will inform you of the real global impact of GMOs and inspire you to consider the deeper implications of seed patenting and ownership.
Interview Details
Speaker: Robyn O’Brien
Date: December 1, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: John Robbins
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Robyn O’Brien – Fighting Food Allergies
Robyn O’Brien was a financial and food industry analyst whose life was turned upside down by her daughters’ sudden allergy-induced illness. Robyn’s love of her kids led her to take an honest look at our food system. What she discovered changed her life forever. She went on to found AllergyKids, and to become one of the most formidable forces in the food movement today.
With her wildly popular TED talks, books, magazine columns, and her online advocacy, Robyn has become what the New York Times called “food’s Erin Brockovich“. What she’s uncovered about food allergies – and GMOs – will rock your world!
Interview Details
Speaker: Rachel Parent
Date: November 3, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: Jeffrey Smith
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Rachel Parent — How to Debate Biotech Industry Apologists
Rachel Parent is a 14-year old Canadian activist and founder of the organization, Kids Right To Know, which raises awareness about urgent environmental issues affecting youth. Pro-GMO CBC business news co-host Kevin O’Leary invited Rachel on his show for a debate.
The segment has been seen by more than 1.8 million people, and launched Rachel into the international spotlight. Rachel has since been lauded as the youngest rising star of the anti-GMO movement.
Rachel will share her insights on helping kids understand GMOs, and how to debate the topic with anyone who disagrees with you. If you have kids or know any, this is an inspirational interview not to be missed!
Interview Details
Speaker: Jeremy Seifert
Date: November 3, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: Jeffrey Smith
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Jeremy Seifert — GMO OMG!
Jeremy Seifert, film director-turned-activist, speaks on humanitarian and environmental issues around the world. He began his quest to understand the GMO issue after having learned that Haitian farmers burned seeds offered by Monsanto. He travelled to Haiti to understand what these seeds were and why an impoverished country, further devastated by an earthquake, would reject them. Thus began Jeremy’s life-changing journey, documented in the new hit film, GMO OMG.
Jeremy is raw, authentic and earnest in his pursuit of sanity in a crazy agricultural maze. Find out about his unique story, and what he learned about the food he was feeding his children.
Interview Details
Speaker: Joseph Mercola, D.O.
Date: November 3, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: John Robbins
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Joseph Mercola, D.O. – Reclaim Your Health And Your Democracy
Will we ever see genetically engineered foods labeled? What good would that do, and what’s it going to take to get there? Get the inside story from one of the world’s leading advocates for the labeling of genetically engineered foods, Dr. Joseph Mercola. Joseph is a 1982 graduate of the Chicago College of Osteopathic Medicine, and a former Chairman of Family Medicine at St. Alexius Medical Center.
He is the author of two New York Times bestselling books, and founder of one the most heavily trafficked health websites on the Internet, mercola.com. Find out Joseph’s take on the labeling issue, campaign strategy, and how we can reclaim our democracy from big agribusiness.
Interview Details
Speaker: Sara Gottfried, M.D.
Date: November 10, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: Jeffrey Smith
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Sara Gottfried, M.D. — How GMOs Affect Your Hormones
Dr. Sara Gottfried teaches men and women how to reset their hormones naturally with food. She is a Harvard-educated physician, speaker, and author of the NY Times bestseller The Hormone Cure: Reclaim Balance, Sleep, Sex Drive and Vitality Naturally with The Gottfried Protocol.
Sara has been regularly featured in the media, from O Magazine to 20/20. Known for quoting Top 40 lyrics and effortlessly blending serious health matters with playfulness and humor, Sara is a systems-based functional medicine coach, MIT-trained bioengineer, mom/wife, and certified yoga teacher. She will share the science of how GM foods may hijack your energy, weight, mood, fertility, and sex drive.
Interview Details
Speaker: Tom Malterre, MS, CN
Date: November 10, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: Jeffrey Smith
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Tom Malterre, MS, CN — The Gluten and Allergy Connection
Tom Malterre MS, CN is a faculty member of the Autism Research Institute, a member of the medical affairs team at Thorne Research, and a clinical nutritionist for Whole Life Nutrition.Trained with the Institute for Functional Medicine, Tom is an international speaker and advisor on epigenetics and whole body wellness.
Listen to his engaging and provocative conversation with Jeffrey Smith as they explore cutting edge insights on the possible relationship between GMOs and digestive problems, food allergies, gluten sensitivity, and immune function.
Interview Details
Speakers: Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D
Date: November 17, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: Jeffrey Smith
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Stephanie Seneff, Ph.D — Is Your Illness Related to Roundup?
Dr. Stephanie Seneff is a Senior Research Scientist at MIT. She has published over 170 refereed articles on themes of food and health, and supervised numerous Master’s and PhD theses at MIT.
In a ground-breaking paper she and Anthony Samsel published in the peer-reviewed journal Entropy, Stephanie showed how the active ingredient in Roundup may be far more damaging than is commonly recognized. From the grass our children play on to the genetically engineered “Roundup ready” crops many of us eat, RoundUp is almost everywhere. In this shocking and informative presentation, Dr. Seneff illumines the very serious dangers of this product.
Interview Details
Speakers: Michael Antoniou, Ph.D
Date: November 17, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: Jeffrey Smith
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Michael Antoniou, Ph.D — GMOs: Separating Myth From Truth
With all the information and misinformation out there on the GMO topic, it can be hard to sort out what the scientifically proven facts really are. That’s why you’ll appreciate Dr. Michael Antoniou’s grounded and potent presentation. Michael is a molecular scientist and genetic engineer, and the co-author of GMO Myths and Truths, which is one of the most-thoroughly researched and comprehensive books on GMOs ever written.
He will shed light on the vast misconceptions that genetically engineered foods are increasing yield, reducing pesticide use, and offering a solution to climate change. After this presentation, you’ll be able to decipher facts from misinformation, and know the real story.
Interview Details
Speakers: Arran Stephens
Date: November 24, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: John Robbins
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Arran Stephens — The Marketplace Is Changing Everything
Sales of organic and natural foods are exploding, and non-GMO certified products are the fastest growing sector in the food industry. Now you will meet one of the foremost leaders of this burgeoning movement, Arran Stephens. Arran is the CEO and co-founder of Nature’s Path Foods, which is North America’s largest organic and independent cereal company.
He was a founding donor and board member of the Non-GMO Project, and he helped to develop the USDA National Organic Program. Get his keen insights, and his message of hope. Do you want to be part of real change that is not dependent on lobbying government or big industry? Then you’ll love this presentation!
Interview Details
Speakers: Howard Vlieger
Date: November 24, 2013
Playing Time: 9 am PDT
Interview by: John Robbins
Replay Available: 24 Hours
Howard Vlieger — A Farmer’s Shocking Discovery
Howard Vlieger is a third generation family farmer. He coordinated and co-authored the only scientific study of its kind, in which identical groups of hogs were fed GMO and non GMO grain for the entirety of their lives. The results of his study have rocked the farming world.
Howard is an internationally recognized speaker on the topic of farming and GMOs, and serves on the board of directors for the Farm & Ranch Freedom Alliance and the Council for Healthy Food Systems. Get a first-hand, real-life account straight from the farmer’s mouth. If you’ve ever wondered what is really happening on the frontlines with GMOs and farming, this interview is a must!
And that’s not all. The first wave of the GMO Mini-Summit took place October 25-27. Get the entire first and second wave instantly with the Empowerment Package.